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As a church, we exist to offer: Hope for the Broken, Lives that are Thriving, the Equipping of Believers, and the Launching of Leaders.  Our equipping classes are a pivotal place where

we partner with you to see all of those come to pass in your life.


The classes are intentionally crafted to take you from the foundations of faith

to the disciplines of walking with the Lord to discovering your SHAPE for ministry.  The final step in the process is personalized discipleship and coaching.


If your heart is to discover your calling, grow into who God has called you to be, and be launched into all that He has for you, this discipleship journey is for you!

Square One serves as the beginning point for a discipleship journey with Jesus.  This is the introductory class that covers a brief history of the Foursquare church family, our congregation’s history, and a brief introduction to basic Christianity.  If you are a new believer, this will be a helpful class.  If you are new to the Foursquare family, this will provide a good beginning.  If you are seeking to become a Member of Sterling Foursquare, this class will provide that connection.

Next Class starting Fall 2020

Square Two provides specific tools for growing Christians.  The class will explore the disciplines of Worship, Prayer, Fasting, Life Long Learning, Bible Reading and Memorization, Journaling, and Money Disciplines.

Next Class starting Winter 2020

Square Three will explore Spiritual Giftedness.  God has provided everyone with a SHAPE for Ministry:  Spiritual Gift, Heart, Aptitudes, Personality, and Experiences that influence our use of Spiritual Gifts in service.

Next Class starting Fall 2020

Square Four will provide six weeks of personalized discipleship and group coaching to put everything together. Intentional conversations around Passion, Skills, Giftedness, and Personality will prepare the participant for the next phase of ministry. Participants will leave with a clear understanding of their next steps in ministry development. The participants may then launch into ministry in the congregation, the community, or the world.

Offered to Graduates of Square Three


Thom & Lorie Gosser | Equipping Pastors
Cell: 970-571-5107

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